Computer Consulting 101 Hiring Tips

Many small business owners have a tough time knowing how to deal with difficult computer consultants. However, if you’re able to uncover potential problems at the start of your computer consultant/client relationship, you can avoid many of these unpleasant issues altogether.

Root of the Problem

While most entrepreneurs and small business managers know exactly what to ask when it comes to hiring for internal staff positions, hiring a computer consulting firm can be more difficult.

So on top of dealing with the myriad legal issues surrounding how you retain the services of contractors (best advice: consult with your attorney), as opposed to hiring employees on your payroll, you’ll need to know how to ask the “right” questions. Don’t make the ultra-common common mistake of focusing on the wrong things. Use these Computer Consulting 101 Hiring Tips as your checklist for doing your homework before you sign on the dotted line.

Part-time or Full-time Computer Consulting

Do you have a “day job”? Are you moonlighting?

Solo Practitioner or True Computer Consulting Business

What do you mean by the “we”? Are there any other people who work at your company?

Are they employees or contractors? What are their names, specialties and backgrounds? How long have they been with the company? Will they be involved with this account?(Tip: The more pointed questions you ask, the more you’ll flush out the B.S. and hyperbole.)

Small Business or Large Company Computer Consulting Experience