OK, this is what I consider a very effective method to getpeople to link to you without you having to ask them to doso. The best part is that, people will link to you for yourmost targeted keyword.I happen to discover this method after seeing the resultsthat I get on one of my website. I don’t have any particularreason for doing it that way on my website, but it seems towork like magic.Sometimes, I search for people who are linking to me bylooking at my referrers. You can also do that by checkingyour website statistics.Sometimes, I do a link popularity check at MarketLeap.com.And to my surprise, I realized that when I visited thosewebsites, they are linking to me using my most targetedkeywords. My KeywordThat is how people are linking 離婚したくない場合の奥の手 to me. And the result, I amranked number 1 against 2 million websites on Yahoo and MSN.And this is for a keyword that has about 2000 searches permonth.But just how do you go about doing this?You are about to know the little-known-secret-steps togetting more link partners with your most targeted keyword.But before I go into that, I just would like to make somestatements about this method.Some people may like this method and some might not. Thereare pros and cons. I don’t really know if this will suitwell for business or corporate websites. All these while, Ihave only used them for content-sites promoting affiliateprograms and Adsense, which is I think is most suitable.If you are thinking about building a passive income withAdsense and affiliate programs, then you should read this.First, you
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